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Budget Tips When Designing Your Bathroom

Save Money
On Your Bathroom Renovation

We are all feeling the pinch! Designing your dream bathroom doesn't have to break the bank. With careful planning and smart choices, you can create a beautiful and functional space that fits your budget. Here are The Blue Space's top budget tips for designing your bathroom.

Plan and Prioritise


Before you start any renovation, make a detailed plan of your bathroom design. List all the elements you want to include and prioritise them based on necessity and impact. Decide which features are must-haves and which ones you can compromise on to save some pennies. This will help you allocate your budget more effectively and avoid overspending.

Set a Realistic Budget


Determine how much you’re willing to spend on your bathroom renovation and get a sense of how much a bathroom renovation in today’s market will likely cost. Be realistic about your budget and consider all potential costs, including materials, trades, and unexpected expenses. Having a clear budget and understanding of the market will guide your decisions and keep your project on track.

Choose Cost-Effective Materials


There are plenty of budget-friendly materials and brands that offer great style and durability. For example, consider using ceramic or porcelain tiles instead of natural stone. These materials can mimic the look of more expensive options without the hefty price tag whilst still maintaining quality and durability.

Keep Plumbing Where It Is


Moving plumbing fixtures can be one of the most expensive parts of a bathroom renovation. To save on costs, try to keep the existing layout of your bathroom. This means leaving the toilet, sink, and shower in their current positions. By avoiding major plumbing work, you can allocate your budget to other areas.

Shop Smart


Look for sales, discounts, affiliate programs and clearance items when shopping for bathroom fixtures and materials. Many stores offer significant discounts on last season's styles or overstock items (link to Clearance Page). Additionally, consider shopping online to compare prices and find the best deals.

DIY Where Possible


Labour costs can quickly eat up your budget, so consider tackling some of the work yourself. Simple tasks like painting, installing shelves, upgrading your shower or assembling furniture can be done with a bit of DIY effort. However, be realistic about your skills and leave more complex tasks, like behind the wall plumbing and electrical work, to the professionals to avoid costly mistakes.

Focus on Key Pieces


Invest in a few key pieces that will make the biggest impact in your bathroom. For example, a stylish vanity, a statement mirror, or high-quality fixtures can elevate the overall look of your bathroom. By focusing your budget on one of these standout elements, you can create a luxurious feel without overspending.

Use Cost Effective Lighting


Lighting is crucial in any bathroom design, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. Opt for cost-effective lighting options like LED lights, which are energy-efficient to save on your energy bills, and long-lasting. Consider using a mix of ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a well-lit and inviting space.

Be Strategic With Tiles


Tiles can be one of the more expensive elements in a bathroom renovation, but they don’t have to be. To save money, use tile strategically. For example, tile only the shower or backsplash area and use paint or less expensive materials for the rest of the walls. This approach can significantly reduce costs while still providing a stylish look. Explore our tile range today.

Refurbish Instead of Replacing


If your existing fixtures and fittings are still in good condition, consider refurbishing them instead of replacing them. Repainting cabinets, refinishing bathtubs, and updating hardware can give your bathroom a fresh look without the expense of new items. This approach not only saves money but also reduces waste.

Designing a bathroom on a budget requires careful planning and smart choices. By prioritising your needs, choosing cost-effective materials, and focusing on key pieces, you can create a beautiful and functional bathroom without overspending. At The Blue Space, we offer a wide range of products to suit every budget and style. Explore our selection and start planning your dream bathroom today.

Dowload our Bathrooms on a Budget eBook for more great tips!

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